Pratap Bhanu Mehta's point about 'demographic thinking': A response

Source : At ~37:16 in this talk , Dr. Mehta can be heard saying the following: "...and the thing about this demographic thinking is completely self-fulfilling , this is not about an empirical argument , right, you can see how self-fulfilling its logic is, right?" [Emphasis mine] Since he does not specify either what his definition of self-fulfilling is or in what sense he is using it, let us consider a couple of dictionary meanings: "(of an opinion or prediction) bound to be proved correct or to come true as a result of behaviour caused by its being expressed" "becoming real or true by virtue of having been predicted or expected" If the empiricism of 'demographic thinking' has been missed by him, for his convenience, let us first look at the data: Empirical data : Source: 26 August 2015 LiveMint article titled: Census 2011 shows...